Monday, January 28, 2013

Fwd: Jan 24, 2013: News (40DFL) – DC Shawn Visit & 40DFL Book Pre-Release Copy.

From: Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life <>
Date: Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 1:50 PM
Subject: Will I see you?


Wanted to let you know about opportunities over the next few days to meet up in person with me and David Bereit -- and the rest of the 40 Days for Life team -- at pro-life events in Washington, DC and San Francisco.

But first, I have to say: WOW!

The response to the new "40 Days for Life" book has been off the charts! Yesterday, David Bereit and I
flew to Nashville to personally sign the first 4,000 books sold ... and orders are pouring in!

If you haven't gotten your pre-release copy yet, go to:

Two weeks ago, we provided advance copies of the new book to local 40 Days for Life campaign leaders, and here are just a few of their comments:

  "A real shot in the arm!"

  "What everyone needs to keep from getting discouraged after the election."

  "So many people say that abortion will never end and nothing can be done about abortion. This book shows how our Lord works miracles one person at a time through prayer. People will be inspired by this book and more hearts and minds will be changed for life."

  "The book is terrific!!! It will set the pro-life
   world on fire!"

And this one really touched my heart:

  "Thank you from the depths of my soul. I cried and celebrated. As a post-abortive mom, I experienced
   healing and was inspired and filled with courage and determination to continue facing abortion and praying
   for it to end. It has helped move me from the despair of abortion to the hope of mercy and salvation."

The book's official release date isn't until this coming
Monday, January 28, but if you order the pre-release
edition today, you'll also get the FREE audio book and
“Ending Abortion” training course in a few weeks.

Get the book and FREE bonuses here:

OK, on to the meet-up opportunities ...

Over the next few days, I will be at both the March for Life (in Washington, DC) and the Walk for Life West Coast (in San Francisco) with members of our 40 Days for Life team. We have arranged events to meet up with you, and will have the new books available.


Warm up with free coffee and breakfast with me and our national director, David Bereit, on Friday morning right before the March. Books will be available for signing and you can meet our entire national team in person!

WHEN:  Friday, January 25

TIME:  10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EST (come and go)

WHERE: Capitol Room B located on the lobby level at the 
       Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
       400 New Jersey Avenue NW
       Washington, D.C. 20001

(Continental breakfast and coffee will be provided)


Come by our 40 Days for Life table and say hello to me and two members of our 40 Days for Life team. Books will be available for signing so come by and say hello!

WHEN:  Saturday, January 26

TIME:  11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PST (come and go)

WHERE: Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco, CA
       Immediately before the Walk for Life
       Our tables will be at in Tent #2, east of the
       EWTN stage, facing City Hall.


If you can't make it to either of these gatherings, we are scheduled to be interviewed during the EWTN
network's coverage of both events.

David and I will both be interviewed on Friday, before the March for Life begins, at approximately 10 AM Eastern (7 AM Pacific).

Also, I will be interviewed during Saturday's coverage of the Walk for Life at approximately 3:10 PM Eastern (12:10 PM Pacific).

EWTN is available on most cable and satellite networks.

I hope to see you at one of these events so we can march and pray together for our nation, as we mourn 40 years of abortion and look to God for hope and healing.

Yours in Christ,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Here's that link to get the new book:

Fwd: Jan. 22, 2013: News (Movie to Movement) - Short Film "Crescendo"

From: Jason Jones, Movie to Movement <>
Subject: ABC News, Hollywood Reporter, Fox News, LifeNews and more are reporting on Crescendo!
Date: January 22, 2013 10:04:06 AM EST
Reply-To: Jason Jones, Movie to Movement <>


Since the announcement of Crescendo, our new short film premiering nationwide on February 28th, things around here have been moving at break-neck speed! Media coverage of the film and of New York Times bestselling author and mother of Justin Bieber,
Pattie Mallette's involvement in the film has been overwhelming and fulfilling.

From Fox and ABC News to Access Hollywood and the Hollywood Reporter, word of our award winning short film is reaching more people than we could ever imagine. To keep you all up to date we have begun a news page on the Crescendo website.

Fwd: Jan 24, 2013: Event (CIC) – 2013 March for Life Recap Talk on 1/29/13

From: Catholic Information Center
Date: January 24, 2013 2:15:13 AM EST
To: CIC Customer

It's Pro-life Week in DC! Here's a list of all the pro-life events happening in DC over the next few days. For more details, visit our website at

And if you know about a pro-life event we missed, send us an email at

Next week, on Tuesday, January 29th at 6:00PM, join the CIC as it welcomes Charmaine Yoest to recap the events taking place during the March for Life Week 2013, as well as share further information regarding the direction of the pro-life movement. 

Charmaine Yoest is the President & CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL) and currently serves as the Project Director of the Family, Gender and Tenure Project at the University of Virginia.

Time:  6:00pm
1501 K Street, NW, Washington, DC  20005

Fwd Jan 20, 2013: Event (MD Cath Homeschoolers) -- Pro-Life 101 training - RSVP by 1/29

------ Forwarded Message
From: "" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 13:31:00 +0000
To: "" <>
Subject: [MD-Catholic-Homeschoolers] Pro-Life 101 training session - RSVP by Jan 29, 2/2/2013, 8:30 am

Reminder from: MarylandARCH Yahoo! Group <>
Title: Pro-Life 101 training session - RSVP by Jan 29
Date: Saturday February 2, 2013 Time: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Location: in the Center for the New Evangelization at St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church in Ellicott City MD Notes: post by

Making Abortion Unthinkable - Pro-Life training session

Have you ever had opportunities pass you by when you could have made a difference if you had just known how to reach the abortion minded person a relative, stranger, or friend?

Well, then, this is for you!

Saturday, February 2nd, from 9am to 1pm (registration at 8:30)

Center for the New Evangelization, St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church
3755 Saint Paul Street, Ellicott City, MD 21043

Through Pro-life Apologetics Training (Pro-life 101) using part of the "Making Abortion Unthinkable" DVD series from Stand to Reason, attendees will receive a comprehensive and practical guide to presenting the facts about abortion and why it should be outlawed in a peaceful, charitable, rational and intelligent way. It will show how to answer common objections in a respectful way, in order to convince pro-choice people that abortion is wrong.

$10 fee, includes training binder and refreshments.
"8:30 Refreshments, Registration & Fellowship
"9:00 Prayer & Introduction
"9:15 Session 1: Simplifying the Issue
"10:00 Session 2: The Scientific Case
"10:45 Break
"11:00 Session 3: The Philosophical Case
"11:45 Session 4: Answering the Objections
"12:30 Closing & Prayer

Appropriate for all adults and mature high school juniors and seniors.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 29th, to or (410) 707-9842


Get reminders on your mobile, Yahoo! Messenger, and email.Edit reminder options <>
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Fwd Jan 19, 2013: News (Fatima Ctr) – January 2013 E-newsletter

--- On Fri, 1/11/13, The Fatima Center <> wrote:

From: The Fatima Center <>
Subject: The Fatima Center January 2013 E-newsletter
Date: Friday, January 11, 2013, 7:18 PM

< %@ language=vbscript%> <% dim ArticleTitle ArticleTitle = "Electronic Newsletter: October 2012" %>

Our Lady's Electronic Newsletter: January 2013

Slaughter of the Innocents
Is Politics as Usual
The media ended the year 2012 with wall-to-wall coverage of the mass murder at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Other pre-Christmas carnage — one at a shopping mall in Oregon and another in upstate New York that involved burning down a neighborhood and shooting firefighters — might have claimed more sensational coverage had the December 14 incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School not been especially poignant: Of the 26 victims, 20 were children.
President Barack Obama addressed the nation the day of the Newtown tragedy, appearing to wipe away the occasional tear and laying the groundwork for an assault on the National Rifle Association, where there are few votes for Democrats. It was, sad to say, politics as usual, with the mainstream media pleased that their rather robotic hero, Mr. Obama, displayed apparent emotion and the left now had new ammunition for attacking the Second Amendment.
The whole lamentable spectacle was put in its proper moral perspective by a comment from an unlikely source: Matt Drudge. (See: “Matt Drudge Tweets: Abortion Killing 3,500 Babies Every Day <> ”.) The Drudge Report has long been the bane of the mainstream media (MSM) for its honesty in reporting all the news, especially highlighting the significant events the MSM either ignores or fails to investigate properly. In his Tweet, Drudge noted that 3,500 children would die that day, without the president shedding a tear. “Normal day,” he concluded. He was, of course, alluding to the number of babies that would be killed that day — and every day — by abortionists, who are the special protégés of Obama and his Party.
In another bit of significant news “missed” by the MSM, Sandy Hook Elementary reopened in January with an armed guard inside the school, a suggestion for school security made by Wayne La Pierre, president of the National Rifle Association and bête noir of the left and its media pundits. (See: “Sandy Hook Elementary Opens Under NRA Recommendation of Armed Security <> ”.)
So 2013 begins as 2012 ended, with its daily toll of mutilated babies, posturing politicians, carefully managed “news” and a Catholic hierarchy that is, for the most part, missing in action.
Get your FREE copy of The Fatima Crusader! Provide your name and mailing address on the form at or call toll-free 1-800-263-8160. There is NO OBLIGATION of any kind.

We must work and pray ever more fervently that the Holy Father and the bishops will heed the requests of Our Lady of Fatima. (See: Petition to Our Holy Father — The Consecration of Russia <> and Petition to Our Holy Father — The Release of the full Third Secret. <> )
We must also keep informed. Read the recent “Fatima Perspective” articles listed below.

Campaign to Label Catholic Church
a Hate Group Intensifies

Christmas Day was marked by the appearance on the White House web site of a petition to the Obama Administration to declare the Catholic Church a “hate group.” (See: “White House petitioned to label Catholic Church a 'hate group <> '”.) The Holy Father was said to have “demeaned and belittled homosexual people around the world.”
Pope Benedict's Christmas address to the Roman Curia was the ostensible cause of the petition. The Holy Father rejected the “philosophy of sexuality” that regards sexual identity as socially transmitted rather than given by nature. Attempts to redefine sexuality as a product of social conditioning were designated by the Holy Father as “absurd.” (See: “Benedict Defends Traditional Family in Christmas Address to Roman Curia <> ”.)
At stake, of course, is the definition of marriage. The Obama Administration has abandoned its coyness on the issue and now squarely supports legal parity between heterosexual and homosexual “spouses.” The weak voice and failing influence of the Catholic bishops in the recent presidential election carried through on November ballot initiatives in which voters on the state level for the first time approved “homosexual marriage.”
Illinois is the latest battleground state. Chicago's Cardinal George mounted a lobbying effort against the measure (see: “Cardinal George issues letter urging Catholics to oppose gay marriage bill <,0,1232450.story> ”), but it may be a case of too little, too late. And as with most “pastoral” approaches toward the question of homosexual “marriage,” the Cardinal assumes a defensive posture, pleading with his listeners to recognize that he and the Church are not “anti-gay.”
What he means, of course, is that he and the Church do not hate people who are homosexual. Hatred, of course, is a sin against charity, as homosexual sodomy is a sin against nature — one of the four sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance. But in attempting to make the Church appear “welcoming” to homosexuals, His Eminence risks minimizing the definition of homosexual sin as an “intrinsic evil.”
“The Church also welcomes adulterers, murderers, thieves, liars, blasphemers and all manner of sinners, but as penitents. Homosexual groups are unlikely to respond to such a welcome, but it is the only one the Church can honestly offer. No Catholic church hangs out banners to make adulterers feel at home. Why should the Church do so for homosexuals?
The year 2013 is likely to see the growing acceptance of homosexual “marriage”, legally and socially. The Catholic Church is not in a position to prove either an effective or, in some cases, a willing advocate for traditional marriage. The homosexual scandals that have plagued the clergy, including the cover-ups by several bishops, make the Church's official opposition to the homosexual “rights” liable to the charge of being either insincere or hypocritical.
Those in the Church who are prepared to stand by her teaching had better be prepared to be vilified by the media, scorned by society and, in some cases, prosecuted by the law. And the Holy Father will doubtless be subjected to intensifying assaults. We must pray for the Pope, as the suffering predicted by Our Lady of Fatima for the Holy Father and the Church appears to be close at hand.

Latest Fatima Perspectives

Marriage Has Nothing to Do with Religion? <> — The principal reason the Catholic Church today finds herself reduced to impotence before the power of the secular State is the timid refusal of contemporary churchmen to preach to power, and defend with courage, the revealed truths of their own religion. In the wake of Vatican II's vaunted “opening to the contemporary world” — a total debacle for the Church — Catholic churchmen have seemingly accepted a pact of silence concerning the Law of the Gospel.
January Thoughts: Why the 'Post-Christian World' Clings to Christmas <> — We are living in a time of what might be called parallel liturgies: one religious, one secular, with the latter vying to replace the former. This attempted usurpation has prompted religious media to chronicle each year what has been called “the war against Christmas.”
Is Putin on the Way Out? <> — In a recent article The London Telegraph reported that the Russian newspaper Vedomosti has cited “two Kremlin-linked sources” who revealed that Vladimir Putin “exacerbated an old back problem” during a publicity stunt in which, portraying himself as Mr. Vigorous, he flew in a motorized hang glider to guide a flock of Siberian cranes flying south for the winter. There is something very mysterious about this “back injury.” As the Telegraph notes, Putin announced that “he would not do his annual call-in show on television, usually held in early December.” How would “an old back problem” prevent Putin from appearing on a call-in show?
Müller's Muddle <> <> — An article in the Catholic Herald online is emblematic of the state of diabolical confusion engendered by the Second Vatican Disaster, which is the only way to describe the aftermath of a Council whose “true meaning” has yet to be clarified, half a century after it ended. As reported by the Catholic Herald, Archbishop Gerhard Müller, who has been placed in charge of “reconciling” the Society of Saint Pius X, declares that “Traditionalist and progressive camps that see the Second Vatican Council as a 'rupture' both espouse a 'heretical interpretation' of the Council and its aims.”
Revival? What Revival? <> — As the Vatican II “renewal” of the Church continues the post-conciliar “process of decay” admitted by Cardinal Ratzinger in The Ratzinger Report, the defenders of the conciliar “springtime” — blind to the deep winter their “reforms” have provoked — are perpetrating the myth of a revival in bloom. Really? How, then, to explain statistics recently reported by Catholic World News?

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The Fatima Network

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Fwd: Jan 21, 2013: Event (40DFL) - "Tonight: Help Make History!"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life <>
Date: Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 1:16 PM
Subject: TONIGHT: Help make history!
To: Lourdes Sejismundo <>

Dear       ,

Tonight, we have an opportunity to make history:

On the eve of tomorrow's 40th anniversary of the unjust Roe v. Wade decision that imposed abortion on America, the abortion industry is VERY nervous.

The cover of TIME magazine proclaims: "40 years ago, abortion-rights activists won an epic victory with
Roe v. Wade. They've been losing ever since."

The president of NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) stepped down because of the organization's failure to motivate youth to support abortion. Youth are the most overwhelmingly pro-life segment of our society, according to recent polling.

Planned Parenthood -- America's largest abortion chain -- just held a press conference where they admitted that their messaging is failing, and announced an abandonment of their "pro-choice" terminology in a desperate attempt to repackage abortion with new marketing language.

And just yesterday, the Gallup organization released the latest polling data showing a 32-point increase in those identifying themselves as "pro-life" vs. "pro-choice" since the mid-1990s. The poll shows record low support for the "pro-choice" position nationwide.

Bottom line: the tide is turning and there is HOPE! 

Tonight, at 9 PM Eastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific) you are invited to join thousands of other people on a FREE online webcast event that will continue to build this life-saving momentum:

The webcast will serve as the official launch of the landmark new book, "40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do" -- which has become a unifying point and a clarion call to action for our entire movement at this crucial time.

During tonight's one-time-only event, you'll get a sneak preview of the book, and will discover:

* How the groundbreaking 40 Days for Life movement began   with one hour of prayer ... and grew into the largest and longest worldwide pro-life mobilization EVER

* The key strategy responsible for closing down 26 abortion facilities for good

* How ordinary people, responding to God's call, are achieving extraordinary success at changing hearts and saving lives

* Planned Parenthood's "dirty little secret," exposed by a whistleblower former employee, which derailed a
  key part of the abortion chain's expansion plans

* How YOU can help make a profound impact on saving lives and ending abortion ... right where you live!

Tonight, we will be sharing stories and behind-the-scenes details that have NEVER been publicly revealed
on a webcast before.

If you haven't already registered for this free event, there's still time! Go to:

If you have already registered, please keep spreading the word to anyone and everyone you can!

We thought we were being optimistic by reserving 3,000 spots for tonight's webcast, but 4,472 people are already signed up to attend -- far more than anyone ever expected -- and registration numbers are climbing fast.

To accommodate the crowd, our webcast provider will now host the event on their maximum capacity web servers to make room for a few thousand more people.

Now, it's important for us to MAX OUT the remaining slots for the webcast -- and let Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry know that abortion's days are numbered!

Register now for the webcast ... and spread the word, inviting everyone you know to join you for this historic event by visiting:

Talk with you tonight!

For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: I've been inundated with questions about how to get the new "40 Days for Life" book. It won't be available through traditional book outlets until next week, but we were able to secure early access so you can get it on tonight's webcast before anyone else.

During the event, our publisher will be giving big discounts on the book and we'll have several free
bonuses for those who grab copies on DAY ONE to help set the stage for getting the book onto bestseller lists.

 Please forward this important announcement to
   friends, family, co-workers -- EVERYONE!!

Fwd: January 19, 2013: News (Daily News) - "Stand Up, Pray, and Be Counted" on Jan. 25th

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:43 PM
Subject: It doesn't end...Another Reason to Stand up, PRAY, and be Counted Next Friday
Daily News
Andrew Cuomo’s Brave New 'Roe' (20917)
New York State’s Catholic governor pushes on-demand abortion legislation that, if enforced, could put Catholic hospitals and many state-funded ministries out of business.
BY PETER JESSERER SMITH 01/16/2013 Comments (142)
– Pat Arnow/Wikipedia
ALBANY, N.Y. — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is flexing his political muscle to give abortion advocates their biggest state victory in 40 years since Roe v. Wade: a sweeping expansion of abortion law that, if enforced, could put Catholic hospitals and many state-funded ministries out of business.
Cuomo’s approval ratings have topped 70% for six straight months, and, with just two years in office, he has already pushed through controversial same-sex “marriage” legislation and the most restrictive gun-control law in the nation.
Cuomo, who is Catholic, now is setting his sights on succeeding where governors for the past six years have failed: passing the proposed Reproductive Health Care Act.
But Cuomo has included the act as part of his 10-point “women’s equality” agenda, which includes a raise in the minimum wage, tougher anti-housing discrimination laws and measures against domestic violence and sex-trafficking.
Catholic bishops in New York’s Catholic Conference and pro-life groups are raising the alarm that Cuomo’s proposals are both “radical” and “dangerous” to unborn children, women and religious freedom.
“Gov. Cuomo’s bill elevates abortion to a fundamental right and says New York state can’t discriminate on abortion in benefits or services or anything else it provides,” said Kathleen Gallagher, the conference’s director of pro-life activities.
Cuomo’s legislation, she said, would make illegal abortion restrictions, such as parental-notification laws, informed-consent laws, restrictions on taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion bans of any kind.
The law will allow licensed medical professionals other than a physician to perform first-trimester abortions.
The Democratic governor announced in his Jan. 9 State of the State address that he would expand legal abortion as part of a comprehensive women’s-equality bill, declaring three times, “It’s her body, her choice” to thunderous applause.
“Gov. Cuomo vociferously declared that women’s equality, safety and reproductive rights will be a priority for New York state in 2013,” Andrea Miller, president of NARAL Pro-Choice New York, confirmed in a press release. Miller said the last election results showed New Yorkers recognized that without a right to abortion a woman “cannot participate fully in society.”

Late-Abortion Green Light
Cuomo’s bill removes criminal penalties for third-trimester abortions after 24 weeks by adding a broad health exception. Current state law allows such late-term abortions if there is a danger to the mother’s life.
Chris Slattery, director of the Expectant Mother Care (EMC) pregnancy centers in New York City, said the new law will make New York City the late-term abortion capital of the world.
“It’s going to open up the third-trimester market,” Slattery said. “It’s going to be huge, and people all over the world, not just out of state, are going to be coming to New York to have and perform these abortions.”
Late-term abortions generally cost more than $2,000.
“It’s the fight of the pro-life movement’s life in New York,” Slattery said. “This is worse than Roe v. Wade itself, and everyone needs to focus on defeating this bill.”
The Guttmacher Institute’s New York state abortion data showed that 33% of New York pregnancies end in abortion — nearly twice the national rate of 19%. Only 53% of New York pregnancies resulted in live births, with the remaining 14% ending with miscarriage.
New York City itself has an average abortion rate of 41%, with some areas as high as 67%, according to New York Health Department data gathered by the Chiaroscuro Foundation.
A 2011 poll, conducted for the Chiaroscuro Foundation by McLaughlin and Associates, found 64% of New Yorkers — including 57% of women identifying as “pro-choice” — believe New York City’s abortion rate is too high; 74% believe the overall 60% abortion rate among minorities is too high.
The poll also found 69% of New Yorkers support informed-consent laws, 59% support mandating parental consent for minors seeking abortion, and 51% support having a 24-hour waiting period for abortion.

State Senate Battle
Cuomo’s legislation is expected to pass the Democratic-controlled Assembly, but pro-life advocates are focusing on the Senate, which Republicans control in a coalition with six independent Democrats.
Pro-life state Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., D-Bronx, predicts the abortion battle will happen in the next few weeks and not toward the end of the legislative session in June. He said pro-life prospects look grim if the Reproductive Health Care Act comes up for a vote.
“I’m the only solid pro-life vote among the Democrats,” he said. “But if the Republicans allow this to come to the floor, then it is a done deal.”
Diaz expressed doubts that Majority Leader Dean Skelos, R-Rockville Centre, would keep the 30-member GOP caucus in line and predicted that one or two Republicans would join 32 Democrat senators to vote for the bill — a replay of voting patterns that resulted in the legalization of same-sex “marriage” in 2011.
Under a power-sharing agreement, Skelos and state Sen. Jeff Klein, D-Bronx, alternate leadership of the Senate every week.
“The week in which Sen. Jeff Klein becomes leader of the chamber — that week he will bring the bill to the floor,” Diaz said.
Diaz said he had no hope the bill could be stopped in the Senate without personal lobbying from Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York.
In a Jan. 9 letter to Cuomo, Cardinal Dolan forcefully denounced the governor’s push for increased access to abortion.
“Dolan has a very powerful voice in the state,” said Diaz. “I’m hoping he comes to Albany now and lobbies — and lobbies hard. I think he’s the only hope we have to convince people to not bring this bill to the floor.”

No Conscience Protections
Gallagher warned that the state bill has no conscience protections for religious institutions and that the New York Catholic Conference’s legal analysts fear the state could use the law to shut down any Catholic institution (including Catholic hospitals, Catholic charities and schools) that gets state licensing or funding.
“State regulators, such as the state health department or state insurance department, could say, ‘We cannot give you that license to operate’ or ‘We cannot give you that funding’ because our pro-life mission means we’re discriminating against a woman’s fundamental right to an abortion,” Gallagher said.
Bishop William Murphy confirmed that the Diocese of Rockville Centre is home to six hospitals on Long Island that could be crippled if the state simply withheld Medicaid dollars. The clash would be inevitable, because Catholic hospitals will neither perform nor refer people for abortions under any circumstances.
“It is another blow against a pro-life position, making that position officially ‘unacceptable’ or ‘bigoted’ or ‘intolerant,’” Bishop Murphy said, adding that the situation was “a very strange fruit in our society, where the majority of Americans, however they define it, call themselves pro-life.”
If the bill expanding access to abortion is passed, pro-life medical professionals could also find their practices at risk.
“All the legal mechanisms are in place so that doctors are forced to abandon their practices,” said Dr. Katherine Lammers, a Catholic obstetrician-gynecologist in Rochester, who has delivered 4,000 babies in her 25-year career. Lammers’ practice does not perform or refer for abortions.
She noted that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists published an ethical memo in 2008 that directed doctors to provide abortion referrals if they are unable to perform the procedure.
“So it could happen this way: ACOG could say that this doctor is violating Ethical Bulletin 899. They could take your board certification away for ethical violations. The state board could then say, ‘This doctor is not medically licensed.’ So, theoretically, a doctor could be forced out of her business,” Lammers said.

Rally in March
The New York State Catholic Conference has scheduled a March 20 “Catholics at the Capitol” rally to highlight the Catholic Church’s top legislative priorities.
The Legislature has until June, the end of its session, to pass Cuomo’s legislation, but it could be brought to the floor of the legislative body before then.
Gallagher said the state’s pro-life coalition is making a push to gather support through social media. On Jan. 15 pro-life advocates launched a “New Yorkers for Life” Facebook page and a Twitter account.
“We Catholic bishops will do our best to inform our people and rally Catholic and non-Catholic alike to express a preference for laws that safeguard women and children,” Bishop Murphy said. “A society can flourish only when it keeps before its eyes that God who creates and sustains it.”
Peter Jesserer Smith writes from Rochester, New York.
 Read more:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Fwd: Jan 17, 2013: News (40DFL) - Sneak Preview Webcast on January 22, 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life <>
Date: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:48 PM
Subject: Un-be-lievable!
To: Lourdes Sejismundo <>


   Please forward this important announcement to
   friends, family, co-workers -- EVERYONE!!


This is unprecedented!!

In the last 36 hours, more than 13,000 of you watched the video of our big announcement. Your feedback has been off the charts!

Apparently, our video host couldn't even keep up with the high demand, because numerous people emailed to report problems playing the video.

So, here's the news:

Next Tuesday, January 22, marks the 40th anniversary of the tragic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that imposed abortion on America and led to the death of more than 55 million children ... and the wounding of millions of women -- and men.

In the midst of this crisis, there is new HOPE.

Starting from one hour of prayer, 40 Days for Life has spread rapidly across America and around the globe, empowering more than half a million volunteers in hundreds of cities -- including YOU -- to pray and fast, stand in peaceful vigil, and engage in effective community outreach.

As a result, 6,749 babies have been saved from abortion.  Thousands of women and men have been spared from lives of regret. 75 abortion workers have had conversions and left their jobs. 26 abortion centers have closed down for good.

And every baby, every mother and father, every worker, every closure is an AMAZING STORY.

On January 22, forty of these stories will be revealed in full detail -- for the very first time -- in the landmark new book, "40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do."

On January 21, at 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific), one night before the book is released to the world, you are invited to attend a historic webcast "sneak preview" of the compelling stories which fill the pages.

Register for the FREE online event at:  D
uring the webcast, you will hear dramatic, first-hand accounts of:

 * Hearts changed on the most controversial issue in our culture ...

 * Babies and mothers saved from abortion at the last possible second ...

 * Insider revelations from behind the closed doors of the abortion industry...

 * Abortion workers having conversions and quitting their jobs ...

 * Thriving abortion centers shutting down for good ...

... And, most importantly, you'll discover exactly how YOU can change more hearts and save more lives from abortion -- right in your home town.

This book has been enthusiastically endorsed by nearly every national pro-life leader, and is becoming a
unifying point and a clarion call to action for our entire movement at this crucial time.

This is the GOOD NEWS you've been waiting for!

This announcement is being sent to hundreds of thousands of people and there are limited available spaces on the webcast -- so REGISTER NOW before it's filled up:

Can't wait to talk with you Monday night!

For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: When you register for the January 21 webcast, we'll also send you the foreword, by former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, and two complete chapters from the new 40 Days for Life book -- for FREE! Get your chapters now at:

PPS: Please spread the word to every pro-life person you know, so they can be encouraged and inspired by this event as well. They can get info and register at:

   Please forward this important announcement to
     friends, family, co-workers -- EVERYONE!!

Fwd: Jan 16, 2013: News (40DFL) - New 40DFL video announces HUGE Development!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life <>
Date: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 3:45 PM
Subject: HUGE announcement!!

   Please forward this important announcement to
     friends, family, co-workers -- EVERYONE!!

Our national director, David Bereit, and I have been working hard behind the scenes for months on something HUGE, and we haven't been able to tell you anything about it ...

... Until TODAY!

On the brink of next week's 40th anniversary of the unjust Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision -- that
imposed abortion on America -- we get to FINALLY make a surprise announcement of the biggest development since 40 Days for Life first began!

We just made a 4-minute video telling you about it:

Spread the word far and wide -- this is going to be big!

For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

   Please forward this important announcement to
     friends, family, co-workers -- EVERYONE!!

Fwd: Jan 17, 2013: Event (USCCB) - Bishops' 9 days of prayer, penance, pilgrimage for pro-life

Date: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:51pm
Subject: Bishops 9 days of prayer for pro-life pilgrimage and novena

Nine Days Of Prayer, Penance And Pilgrimage

On January 22nd and January 25th our nation will remember the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  Since that tragic decision, more than 55 million children's lives have been lost to abortion, and the lives of millions of their parents have been shattered.

As part of the bishops' recent call to prayer, "Nine Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage" will take place January 19-27, 2013.

This time period, focusing on the theme of pilgrimage, includes:

Fwd: Jan 16, 2013: News (NCRegister) - Alabama Supreme Court Recognizes Unborn as Children

Date: Jan 16, 2013 at 9:32 AM
Subject: Life blog

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fwd Jan 12, 2013: Book - Recall Abortion by Janet Morana

From: "TAN Books & Saint Benedict Press" <>
To: _____________
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:58:28 AM
Subject: Ending the Abortion Industry’s Exploitation of Women

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Saint Benedict Press/Tan Books
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Save 30%
Recall Abortion
Ending the Abortion Industry’s Exploitation of Women
Janet Morana exposes the myriad ways abortion exploits women, and calls for a national recall of this deadly procedure. She documents the way abortion risks and degrades women’s health. And she exposes the false promises and lies by which it is pushed and sold. Morana also investigates abortion's debilitating after-effects, and gives a voice to those women who have chosen abortion and have regretted it.
Preorder today and save 30%!
$21.95 / $15.36 Saint Benedict Press
Order Now!
What Readers Are Saying...
For decades I have been working to reverse this tragic decision that was made in my name. Janet Morana's recall effort might be the way to finally end the catastrophe of abortion. I am praying for her success.
— Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade
“Recall Abortion” makes it clear that abortion not only kills the most innocent among us, but it also hurts women, it hurts men, it hurts families and it hurts society. It has been especially devastating to African-Americans. I am proud to join Janet Morana in demanding a recall of this murderous product called abortion.
— Dr. Alveda C. King, African-American Outreach Director, Priests for Life
Abortion has been marketed for years as a product essential to women that must be easily available and free to assure women's reproductive health. It's time to recall this product because it's defective and dangerous. Janet Morana's book will give you a new perspective on abortion.
— Phyllis Schlafly, President, Eagle Forum
In “Recall Abortion” Janet Morana asks, “Isn’t it time to demand a recall of abortion?” As a former Planned Parenthood clinic director, I can attest to the fact that abortion harms women and therefore can say that the answer to that question is a resounding “Yes.” This book will mobilize many to say “Yes” as well.
— Abby Brannam-Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director

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Fwd Jan 9, 2013: News (Operation Rescue) - "Safe and Legal" Abortions

From: "Operation Rescue" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 9:12:22 AM
Subject: Autopsy Photos Released: Women killed in legal abortions to no longer be swept under the rug

Autopsy Photos Released: Women killed in legal abortions to no longer be swept under the rug 

January 9, 2013
Below is today's press release from Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, Inc., announcing the release of horrific autopsy photos taken of a woman who died from a botched abortion. Given the rash of medical emergencies at abortion clinics that we have documented recently, it is important to see what fate these women face. Operation Rescue is partnering with Life Dynamics, Inc. and Priests for Life to promote this important project and get the truth into the hands of the public.  
-Operation Rescue Staff
Women killed in legal abortions to no longer be swept under the rug

Life Dynamics Publishes Graphic Autopsy Photos
Denton, TX - Among national pro-life organizations, Life Dynamics has a reputation for pushing the envelope and their latest campaign is about to do it again. According to Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher, "The pro-life movement has never had images to illustrate the unimaginable brutality and ugliness of women being killed in America's "Safe and Legal" abortion clinics. But those days are over. We are going to show America what it looks like when women climb onto a table in one of these places and end up on an autopsy table a few hours later."
Deborah Cardamone Interview
Deborah Cardamone Interview
Today, Life Dynamics is releasing a new brochure revealing what happened to Marla and her unborn son, including ghastly photos from Marla's autopsy. Life Dynamics is also creating a new website on this issue called: This website will also feature the same graphic images contained in the brochure.
Please watch this emotional interview with Marla's mom and Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, Inc. describing the legal abortion death of her daughter Marla. This Jan 2013 edition of Life Talk introduces our latest project Safe and Legal. Today, Life Dynamics is releasing a new brochure revealing what happened to Marla and her unborn son, including ghastly photos from Marla's autopsy. The website with more details will be live soon at  
Mark Crutcher explains this project here 

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About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006.  From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre-born in obedience to biblical mandates. Click here to support Operation Rescue.   Click here to make a secure donation online.
About Pro-Life Nation

Pro-Life Nation is an initiative of Operation Rescue that offers a goal-oriented strategy to end abortion.  For more visit and read our new booklet that details our strategy.
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